Email: lavinia.rusu@rcp-legal.ro
Phone: (+40) 749 251 223
‣ Publicity
‣ Pharma
‣ Consumer's Rights
‣ Corporate Law
‣ Mergers and acquisitions
‣ Contracts
Lavinia Rusu is a member of the Bucharest Bar Association since 2013, licensed in law, graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, who actives within RALUCA COMANESCU & PARTNERS Law firm.
Lavinia provides legal assistance to companies in complex transactions and provides consultancy to a wide portfolio of clients. Her experience and specializations recommend her in the drafting, annotation, and conclusion of contracts in the sphere of management and activity of commercial companies. Advising clients in matters related to commercial contracts, mergers and acquisitions and corporate disputes, due-diligence activities for the acquisition of a legal entity or part of the assets belonging to that entity. She also provides legal assistance for commercial negotiation procedures.
Among her passions and competences is the field of personal data protection, having obtained the diploma of authorised DPO since 2018 and thus being an active part in numerous consulting and assistance projects based on the GDPR Regulation. Her involvement in this field aims at evaluating the current state from the perspective of the requirements of the Regulation and formulating specific recommendations, developing internal procedures to ensure compliance and drafting documents that meet the standards necessary to ensure an adequate protection of personal data.
What characterises Lavinia is the desire to find solutions with practical purpose for the clients' business and commercial objectives, in an adaptive and non-conflictual manner, always looking for the subtle balance between the client's desire and the letter of the law.
Lavinia has participated in numerous takeovers of companies and stock packages or social shares, ensuring the representation of her clients' interests by thoroughly verifying documents, drafting covering contracts and preventing, as far as possible, any prejudicial situations arising from them. Also, she advised multiple clients in dissensions in companies in which they held stakes, preparing strategies and assisting them in general meetings.